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Microsoft Access database structures vary DbWeigher.


"DbWeigher Microsoft Access database structures vary."
zagruzit.com Editor: DbWeigher as database developers using MS Access database software.
Microsoft Access databases with the help of this program compare structures.
it is useful if the latest and previous database I want to find the differences between structures.
You can choose any two mdb files and only at the same time to see the differences in their structure.
The current version of the program to find the differences between the tables, fields, indexes and relationships.
comparison was created in SQL and a text report provides the results. SQL databases' structures can be used synchronized.
Key features:
Databases Comparison
visual effects comparison results
Generation of SQL databases

Sometimes synchronize MS Access as a database, web and desktop applications is used as a backend. This kind of applications are frequently changing databases. We use MS Access database and web server are distributed on a small web application creat eg. It works perfectly. To add interesting functionality to the application after a bright new idea. These new features, so remember to add them later, or the server's database to record these changes should be made some changes in database structure.

In such cases it was created for DbWeigher Absolutely! This allows you to compare visually. Head to keep these changes or record them, just DbWeigher use is not required. Changes are highlighted by different colors, you'll see them at once. Now you can download free DbWeigher 2.1.

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